Last year I volunteered to organize the fifth grade Halloween party for my daughter’s class. Thankfully I was able to outsource entertainment: one mom read ghost stories, and another parent brought scary music (but somehow the kids ended up doing the macarena instead).
I was happy to bring the food, since it would give me a chance to dress up our favorite bon-bon cookies like pumpkins. The other snack we brought was frighteningly simple. Here is what we did:
Cheddar Cheese Pumpkins

All you need is a pumpkin-shaped cookie cutter and sliced orange cheese, like colby or cheddar.

I was able to make about three pumpkins per cheese slice. The kids and I ate the scraps for a snack later that day.

Keep them refrigerated until you need to transport (or serve) them.
The cheese pumpkins looked adorable and plain cheddar was instantly more tasty.
Pumpkin Bon-Bon Cookies

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that we can’t resist making these buttery iced cookies on special occasions. (Recipe for Bon-Bon Cookies.)

Because the cookies are round, it was easy to figure out how to dress them up like pumpkins.

We cut up green gumdrops for the stems.

We poked a hole in each cookie (with a wine stopper) before baking to hold the gumdrop stem.

We dipped the baked and cooled cookies in orange glaze.

While the glaze was still wet, we tucked in a gumdrop slice.

Oh man, I wish I could bite into that pumpkin right now.
Last night the kids and I had fun getting into a new Halloween tradition called ghosting. After being ghosted ourselves (someone anonymously dropped a bag of candy and a poem about ghosting on our front porch), we began planning our secret mission. We wrote poems, disguised handwriting, bought candy, donned dark hoodies, and hid behind bushes in the dark while one person rang doorbells, dropped the treats, and ran. But shhhh — don’t tell it was us!
Hi Mama!
It’s true, those bon-bon’s are irresistible-and you made my mouth water already. They are also so cool because you can dress them up for, like, any occasion-whether it is Halloween, for a new baby (light pink or blue ones), for the fourth of july (red, white, and blue ones), or for valentines day (pink and purple ones.)
Love you,
Sofia :)