With this post, I wrap up my series on how to start your own babysitting co-op. Co-ops are a wonderful way to get to know dependable people in your community, expand your child’s social circles, and capture more time for yourself without spending money.
In part one, I went over how different co-ops are organized and the pros and cons of various point-tracking systems.
In part two, I talked about how to fan the flames to help create a warm, active, and successful group.
In this last part, I have collected some of the forms, by-laws, and marketing materials used by the different co-ops I have been a part of. (Names and locations of co-ops have been changed.) You may download these documents and, in most cases, customize them as you like.
Neighborhood-Based Co-op
The neighborhood-based co-op I went over in earlier articles defined its group by geographical boundaries. Founded in the 1970s, its by-laws, structure, and procedures may seem formal today, but it is also one of the longest-running and most successful co-ops in this line-up. This co-op has rotating leaders, secretaries who handle sit requests, and a point system based on cards.
- Babysitting Co-op Rules | customizable document (click to download)
- Membership Application | scanned image (click to download)
- Card Count Tracking Sheet | customizable document (click to download)
- Card Count Tracking Sheet | printable PDF (click to download) Print front to back on cardstock.
Parent Association Co-op
The parent association co-op was formed within a not-for-profit organization of parents. The group is open to families at a set of affiliated institutions in New York City, and it organizes social events, maintains play spaces, and coordinates discounted after-school activities. The group’s babysitting co-op is semi-formal with rotating leaders and a simplified set of by-laws and procedures. They use a website to request sits and keep track of points.
- Interest Sign-up: for gauging interest in a new co-op & collecting contact information (click to download)
- Roster: A kind-of address book for member families to refer to (click to download)
- Simple Guidelines: rules for using the co-op as well as leadership and online point tracking system (click to download)
- Trifold Brochure (customizable document): for publicizing the co-op (click to download)
- Trifold Brochure (printable PDF): for publicizing the co-op (click to download)
Preschool Co-op
The preschool-based co-op is one of the more informal co-ops. Members arrange their own sits with each other via a private listserv. Tickets are exchanged between members with no oversight. A volunteer coordinator admits new members, distributes initial tickets, and assigns playdate hosts.
- Co-op Info Sheet: a flyer that explains the what, who, why, and how of this co-op (click to download)
- Child Information Sheet: a form to collect contact and health information for member children (click to download)
- Sign-Up Sheet: an agreement to join with an explanation of the rules (click to download)
Circle of Friends Co-op
Made up of four families who live on the same road in a small town, this group is a leaderless co-op with minimal rules. Families update their own point counts using a shared online spreadsheet and take turns hosting potluck dinners.
- Online Spreadsheet. To use it for your group, click File, then Download As.
I hope these resources can be helpful to you as you create your own babysitting co-op. (See also Part 1 in this series for basics and Part 2 for tips on launching and longevity.)
One of the most important things I have learned about communities is that face-to-face interactions are essential. Babysitting co-ops will not work unless there are high levels of trust.
Email and websites might be convenient, but they cannot replace being in each other’s presence. So use technology sparingly, and whenever possible, give your members reasons to see and know each other.
With families often spread out all over the country, many parents need to create their own support systems. Like passing along hand-me-downs or bringing dinner to a family with a newborn, a babysitting co-op is a valuable network that can fill essential needs while saving everyone a pretty penny.
Photo credit: Sofia Suardi
About how much does it costs to set up a group like this and what kind of licenses is needed? Please help, i live in a state where the only child care help u can get is through tanf.