Dear Frugal Mama readers,
It was three and half years ago when I wrote my last post in this blog. I said I would be devoting more time to the community and my family. I did that, and I also began writing the personal essays I had been wanting to write.
I’ve been doing this creative writing about my life since our youngest, Diana, went to pre-K in 2017. I can’t really explain why, but almost none of that writing emerged from the darkness of my notebooks, workshop sessions, or computer files.
Something major shifted not only in the world but in me when the coronavirus crisis hit. I feverishly wrote about how my life — our lives — were changing dramatically and I no longer felt I had the luxury of time. I needed to release this writing into the world, regardless of how it was received.
I started a page called Painting a Life with Words where these micro-memoirs, poems, and essayettes are like dots in a pointillist painting. Each one tiny and separate but together adding up to something bigger.
Please stop by and see if it’s something that speaks to you. It’s quite different from what I was writing at Frugal Mama, and yet I’m still the same person.
Sure, things have changed — our eldest Sofia is set to go to college in the fall, and Diana, the baby, is now 6 years old. The sharp curves and steep hills of life have challenged me to grow.
I post something on the new site most days. You can also sign up for twice-weekly updates by email, and I would be honored to have you as part of that group.
And feel free to share the blog with anyone that you think might feel in tune with it. The writing is personal, but it is meant to be shared.
The strongest impulse I seem to have right now, as the world is crumbling, is to communicate. And grabbing little bits of my life, turning them around in my hands, and offering them out is what I seem called to do.
Thank you for your support over the years. I hope you are doing well and are healthy and safe.
Painting a Life with Words | micro-memoirs, poems, and essayettes on my beautiful terrible pandemic life
Oh Amy! I’m reading the whole thing in one sitting and it feels like a lifeline, a mirror of my own life with some different details. Thank you thank you for writing and sharing.