Karen Bantuveris, busy mom and founder VolunteerSpot, shares a bunch of out-of-the-box ways to give to your child’s teacher in this guest post. For more easy ways to help your school from Karen, see our interview at Parentables.
It’s still hot, August is only half over, but soon it’ll be time to jump back into the chaos of the school year. While the transition can be tough for parents and kids, imagine what a big change it is for teachers.
Now imagine how we as parents can help smooth out the start of the year—and make sure it continues down that path–by helping our child’s teacher and making her feel appreciated from day one.
Start Off the Year With a Bang
1. Give the teacher a welcome basket with coupons, school supplies, and little goodies like granola bars, flavored tea, stickers, mints, and chocolate.
2. Volunteer to help with classroom set-up (getting bulletin boards decorated and desks in place).
3. Take pictures of the teacher with each child on the first day of school. The kids will love it, and it makes for a wonderful memory at the end of the year.
4. Set up a parent schedule to supervise at recess or lunch time to give the teacher a break (VolunteerSpot’s free calendar signup sheets makes it easy for parents to help out when it fits their schedule).
5. Start a meal circle where parents take turns bringing lunch or a special morning treat to the teacher once a week; if you band together, you’re turn will come up about two times per year.
6. Share your strengths. If you’re artistic, offer to make cool signs to jazz up the classroom; if you’re musical, lead songs at the class party; scientific or techy, help with experiments or share computer skills with the class.
Keep on Showing Your Support
7. Save coupons and gift cards for office supplies throughout the year.
8. Share a skill or a family tradition (heritage, interesting job, hobby, etc.) with the class.
9. If you can’t help out at school during the day, offer to take prep work home for the teacher. “Office work” is always needed in getting materials and supplies prepared, especially in the lower grades.
10. Ask her what kind of technology will improve the learning experience for your kids and work with your school-parent association to fund it.
11. Keep an eye out for discounts or free passes for things the teacher can do with her own children, like movie tickets, restaurants, and local performances.
12. One of the best things you can do is simply send your kids to school well-rested, well-fed, and with assignments complete so they are ready to learn.
Remember the more involved as a parent, the easier it is for the teacher to concentrate on her oh-so-important job of educating your children. Get excited, get involved, and get your school year off to a fabulous start — volunteer!
Karen Bantuveris is the founder and CEO of VolunteerSpot, a free online coordination tool that helps parents, teachers, and community leaders save time and hassle. Karen lives in Austin, TX with her husband and daughter.