photo: Eli Meir Kaplan
Hello and welcome! I’m Amy Suardi. I created Frugal Mama because I love both writing and encouraging people. My favorite ways to save money do something else for us too, like make space or time, help us discover talents, commune with nature, strengthen neighborhoods, or bring parents and kids closer together.
My husband, Enrico, and I started our family in a one-bedroom apartment in Milan where I hung our clothes to dry on the balcony and learned how to cook in a two-bun kitchen. We lived on one salary, socking away extra income into savings, so that we would have the freedom to change careers, stay home with kids, or relocate.

We ended up doing all of those things, and along the way, we discovered a simpler, slower life that we grew to love.
The lean, long years of medical training are now over, but if we want to be able to fix up our house, save for retirement, send our kids to college (and pay for their braces), we still must be very careful with our money.

We love restoring our 1916 farmhouse in Washington, D.C.
So even though our goals have changed from staying out of debt to saving for the future, our day-to-day life is pretty much the same as it was when I started this blog in 2009.
I pack lunches every day and cook dinner every night. I join childcare co-ops and neighborhood associations. We drive used cars, wear hand-me-downs, and write down every penny we spend. Finding the crux between spending less and living well is an ever-evolving challenge, and I’m so glad you are along for the ride.
Thank you for sharing this journey with me. I hope you’ll leave me a comment sometime or sign up to get my posts by email — now just once a month.

p.s. If you want to hear more about me, occasionally I publish more personal updates about my life. Here are a few:
- about why I decided to drop the business side of blogging
- on learning we were having baby no. 5 (and pictures of her first days)
- about being pregnant and renovating a four-story house at the same time
- on being a family of seven (and lots of pictures of the kids)
- on deciding to practice slow blogging and make Frugal Mama a boutique blog

photo: Eli Meir Kaplan
Hi! I wanted to ask about your pumpkins that you grow. At the end of the year, after removing the pumpkins and stuff, do you do anything with the vines? Cut them back? Leave them? I just started my pumpkins and want to prepare